1997 to Present. Daughter of Margaret Redfern and granddaughter of Mother Eloise Bell. She has been a member at St. John FBH Church since her birth. A faithful and loyal servant of God. She is the wife of Darrlyn K. Massey. The mother of three sons, Tyrie, Torrell, and Tobias. She comes from a family of praying saints. She accepted Christ at the age of nineteen (19). She encourages people to seek the Lord at an early age, and serve Him while they're young. When she was twenty five (25), she accepted her calling into the ministry. This enabled her to aid and help her former pastor, Mother Lennel P Gill, in whatever areas necessary. This was great training for her. After Mother Gill retired in 1997, Sister Massey became the pastor in the 81st Annual Convention at New Myers Chapel in Charlotte, North Carolina. She and Mother Gill are still working together as a great team. God honors faithfulness.
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